Personal and Business Communication Skills can always be improved. In this article you will learn easy skills to practice that may help anger management, conflict resolution and improve your relationships. Just using one of these skills can build a better connection with your family, friends and business associates and customers. Don’t just read this article, try Verbindende Communicatie cursus the suggestions as soon as possible and watch your communications be easier and of more quality. Before communicating with any person, try asking yourself the questions below. If you say no to anyone of these steps, your communications with the other may be in jeopardy. Take a few minutes before speaking with the other and ask yourself:

1: Is my intention really to communicate with the other or to get only my needs met? This means do I really want to understand my children, spouse and friends or do I just want to be heard or get my needs met? This is important to identify before we say one word to another person.

2: Do I really want to hear this person or fix the situation as quickly as possible? If you really want to be listened to, it is better to hear the other person first. If you can really listen deeply, offering empathy to the other, they will hear you with more patience and understanding when you speak. Empathy is a deep understanding what another may be going through. It is important to give the other attention first then express yourself.

3: Do I really have the patience and time to listen to the other person? The second ingredient to listening well is focusing. Can I really listen to the other and focus on them. This is trust building when they can speak with out the listener’s fix it language. Fix it language can be sympathy, unasked for advice, story telling after you interrupt them and any time you take the focus off of them and on to you.

4: Am I willing to express myself honestly and not blame the other for my feelings? This may be difficult not using blame, shame, guilt, or fear in your conversation. The most important way to express what you want is to express your need and a request. Even better add an observation, saying what you are referring too. Make facts that both of you could agree on. The easiest way is to use a quote.

5: Do I already have a strategy or do I want to come to a consensus with the other? If you already have a strategy when you first start communicating, let it go. After you have heard the other person thoroughly your strategy will probably change. It is funny how it works yet you may have a brand new suggestion after understanding them. So take it slow, focus because we listen too fast. Watch your communications become more fun and trust building. Yes, these communication skills and tips may be used in business.

Personal and business communication skills are never an easy subject, yet Rick Goodfriend wants communication with others to be easier, more satisfying. Additional Business and personal communication Skills are at [] where you may sign up for free and brief weekly communication tips.

Rick’s new book, “I Hear You, But…” is full of over 70 short and effective communication tips to help make your communications easier and more peaceful. He is also founder of World Empathy Day, celebrated every Wednesday around the world.

Successful communication with anybody is possible with the proactive skills taught. Rick Goodfriend resides in Santa Barbara, California continuing to surf, hike and practice personal communication skills.

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